Taking control of your health
Just under half of Australians have one or more chronic conditions. If you’re one of them, you may have found that managing physical and/or mental health conditions can be challenging.
We help eligible Nurses & Midwives Health members with chronic conditions and risk factors of disease by providing access to a range of support services*. Your personal care coordinator will work with you to understand where you’re at and support you in achieving your health goals.
Managing health conditions
Depending on your needs and goals, personalised support may be available via face-to-face, phone or video-based programs which aim to help you manage these chronic conditions:

Improve joint pain, stiffness and function of affected joints, and avoid or delay joint surgery or improve fitness if joint surgery is needed.

Achieve sustainable weight loss to reduce the risk of ill health and improve quality of life.

Support for members who are having or have recently completed cancer treatment, and those living with advanced cancer to help manage symptoms and optimise quality of life.

Achieve and maintain a nutritious diet, exercise plan and healthy weight, manage medications and monitor the condition to reduce the risk of complications.

Heart disease
Achieve and maintain a nutritious diet, exercise plan and healthy weight, and manage risk factors (like high blood pressure or cholesterol), symptoms and medications.

Mental health
Manage symptoms of anxiety and depression, develop strategies to build resilience, and support healthy lifestyle behaviours such as sleep, nutrition and exercise.
Managing health risks factors
You may be eligible to receive support if you haven't been diagnosed with a chronic condition but have risk factors of disease.
We help members who want to:
Reduce their weight
Manage high cholesterol and blood pressure
Improve their physical activity levels
Improve their nutrition with dietary support
Reduce their alcohol intake
Stop smoking
Reduce their risk of diabetes (for those with prediabetes or other risk factors)
We can provide:
A personalised health management plan
Health education
Behavioural change
Support to navigate
relevant services
Accessing the programs
Eligibility for programs varies, but you need to be aged 18 years or over, have Hospital cover and have served any waiting periods*.
We must also:
- consider your health condition, your safety and what's likely to work best for you personally; and
- work within government legislation to fund these services (through what's called Broader Health Cover).
The Healthcare Services team can talk to you about other eligibility criteria applicable for individual services.

*To be eligible for a program you must be a member of Nurses & Midwives Health and have Hospital cover with all relevant waiting periods served. Hospital cover requirements and waiting periods vary for different programs. Additional eligibility criteria may apply.
These programs are brought to members through Healthcare Services ('Healthcare Services'), an initiative of Nurses & Midwives Health, to support members' health and wellbeing through quality, evidence-based health management. Eligible members are connected with a dedicated Healthcare Services care coordinator who supports them along the way.