Student dependants

Student dependants

Your Cover





* Based on an Australian Government Rebate of %, % LHC loading, $ excess for a in . Please note the amount quoted may vary after 1 April due to base price changes and rounding adjustment.

Change your cover or compare

Keeping your child covered

At the start of each academic year, we check if your child will be staying on your membership or taking another cover option.

You need to let us know which of the below applies to your child before 1 March. If we don't hear from you by this date, student dependants will be removed from your family membership.

1. Still studying – update student dependant registration

Your child can stay on your membership as a student dependant if they're under 32, a full-time student (trainee, apprentice, intern or cadet) and aren’t married or in a de-facto relationship.

What to do

Update their registration via Online Member Services before 1 March:

  1. Log in to Online Member Services
  2. Go to Membership > People covered
  3. Select your child
  4. Select Review cover options
  5. Select Yes to student question
  6. Complete and submit the Student Declaration form.

You can also confirm their status using the member app.

Don't have Online Member Services set up? You can update your child’s registration via this form.​

2. Not studying – get Extended Family Cover

You may be able to keep your child on your cover as a dependent non-student through Extended Family Cover~ (if they’re under 32 and aren’t married or in a de-facto relationship).

Extended Family costs a little more, but it’s likely to be less than your dependant would pay for their own membership. And if you add more eligible dependants to your Extended Family Cover, your premium will remain the same.

Higher earners

Please note if your would-be dependant’s income is over the Medicare Levy Surcharge threshold, they may pay extra tax if they don’t have their own Hospital cover. So they may want to seek tax advice before you go any further.

What to do

Update their status via Online Member Services before 1 March:

  1. Log in to Online Member Services
  2. Go to Membership
  3. Select People covered
  4. Select your dependant
  5. Select Review cover options
  6. Select No to student question
  7. Select Yes to Extended Family Cover question
  8. Enter Cover start date 
  9. Select Request cover

You can also update their status using our app.

Don't have Online Member Services set up? Call us on 1300 344 000 to learn more about this option. If you already have Extended Family Cover, call us to let us know you’d like to keep your child on your cover as a dependent non-student.

See more about Extended Family Cover

~ Extended Family Cover isn't an option if you're on StarterPak (Basic Plus) or Emergency Ambulance cover.

​3. Not studying – they get their own cover

If it's time for your child to get their own membership, we can help them find cover that's right for them. To soften the pain of parting (sniff), we'll even throw in six weeks' free* for them and a $200 eGift card^ for you (see below)!

What to do

You can:

6 weeks free cover

For them

When they take out their own cover. Yet another milestone!

Get a quote
$50 gift card

For you

To thank you for keeping it in the (Nurses & Midwives Health) family.

Find out more

We’re here to help

If you have any further questions for us, call 1300 344 000 (Monday – Thursday 8am – 7pm, Friday 8am – 6pm, Saturday 8.30am – 12.30pm AEDT).

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