Mid Classic

Mid Classic
Silver +

Your Cover





* Based on an Australian Government Rebate of %, % LHC loading, $ excess for a in . Please note the amount quoted may vary after 1 April due to base price changes and rounding adjustment.

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Mid Classic Silver +

Looking for a wide-ranging product, but don’t need cover for pregnancy or joint replacements? Take a look at Mid Classic (Silver Plus).

It’ll cover you for a lot of in-hospital services, with a few exclusions and restrictions.

Your excess options are $300 or $500.


Not Covered

Scope of cover

Additional Information
Accommodation – shared and private room (where available)
Theatre fees, intensive care fees
Labour ward fees
Shared room
Private room (where available)
Labour ward fees (Not covered)
Services for which a Medicare benefit is not payable e.g. cosmetic surgery & laser eye surgery

Important info

What you need to know about restricted services and waiting periods.


Restricted Services

Here’s an overview of what we’ll pay for and what you’ll have to pay for if going to hospital for treatment for a service that’s restricted. Note that scheduling of treatment will be up to the treating specialist and/or hospital.

In a public hospital:

  • We pay – accommodation in a shared room (as long as the hospital doesn’t charge above the default rate set out by the Federal Government), and medical costs.
  • You pay – any excess (if applicable), and any gap if your hospital charges above the default rate.

In a private hospital:

  • We pay – accommodation in a shared room (at the default rate set out by the Federal Government), and medical costs.
  • You pay – any excess (if applicable) and the balance of accommodation costs, plus any theatre costs. This could be costly, so ensure the hospital provides you with the potential costs upfront.

You should make sure you have a breakdown of all out-of-pocket costs you’ll need to pay before agreeing to treatment. This is called informed financial consent.

Learn more about restricted services


Waiting Periods

Like all health funds, waiting periods may apply when you take out your cover.

You may have to wait if:

  • You’re new to private health insurance
  • You upgrade your cover to include things that weren’t covered before
  • You switch health funds and increase your cover to include things that weren’t covered before.

If you’ve cancelled your membership with another health fund, you’ll need to join us within 60 days to keep up your continuity of cover and not re-serve any applicable waiting periods.

Hospital Waiting Periods

Pre-existing conditions* 12 months
Psychiatric, rehabilitation and palliative care 2 months
All other hospital services 2 months
Emergency ambulance transport 1 day
Non-emergency ambulance transport 1 day

Services not recognised by Medicare

You won’t be covered for services that aren’t eligible for a Medicare benefit. This includes non-medically required treatments or services provided by and not limited to, dentists, podiatrists and, cosmetic or podiatric surgeons.