Changes to your cover April 2022

Changes to your cover April 2022

Your Cover





* Based on an Australian Government Rebate of %, % LHC loading, $ excess for a in . Please note the amount quoted may vary after 1 April due to base price changes and rounding adjustment.

Change your cover or compare

Have a question?

Here are answers to common questions about premium and benefit changes.


Cover updates

  • Extras cover – benefit improvements on Top Extras, Essential Extras and StarterPak.
  • Know your benefits – how to find out what you are and aren’t covered for.

Contact info


What will my premium be from 1 April 2022?

As you probably know by now, we’ve chosen to freeze our premiums until 1 October 2022!

On 31 January, there was more good news for members when the government announced it won’t be decreasing the Private Health Insurance Rebate this year.

So even members who claim the rebate will pay their 2021 premium through until October 2022.

Extras benefit improvements are happening on 1 April though.


Understanding the Australian Government Rebate on your premium notification

You may have elected to receive the Australian Government Rebate as an automation reduction to your premium.

The communication sent to you by Nurses & Midwives Health will advise how much you pay us personally (e.g. via direct debit, payroll deduction or BPAY), and how much rebate the Government pays us directly.

For example, your premium notification may say:

  • You pay $123.45 per month. The Government pays a rebate of $34.56.

This means the total cost of the premium is $158.01. A rebate of $34.56 is deducted from the total amount. The final amount you are required to pay is reduced to $123.45.

We've outlined the current rebate tiers below.

What will my premium be from 1 October 2022?

We’ll contact you about your new premium closer to the time, around August.

How will you update me?

We’ll send your premium notification via post or email, depending on your contact preferences.

All members will also receive a copy in their Online Member Services mailbox.

Updating your contact preferences

  • Via Online Member Services – go to: My membership > Contact details and scroll down to Contact preferences. Hit the Edit button to make a change.
  • Via our member app– tap the menu icon (bottom right), then Membership > My contact details and tap Edit.

More on switching to email


Is the Australian Government Rebate changing in 2022?

No. The Australian Government Rebate usually changes each year on 1 April, but this year it isn’t.


Here are the rebates for 1 April 2022 – 31 March 2023:

Tier Income for Medicare levy surcharge purposes Age less than 65 Age 65-69 Age 70+
Base tier Singles up to $90,000; Couples/Families up to $180,000 24.608% 28.710% 32.812%
Tier 1 Singles $90,001 - 105,000; Couples/Families $180,001 - 210,000 16.405% 20.507% 24.608%
Tier 2 Singles $105,001 - 140,000; Couples/Families $210,001 - 280,000 8.202% 12.303% 16.405%
Tier 3 Singles more than $140,000; Couples/Families more than $280,000 0% 0% 0%

Note: Single parents are subject to family tiers. For families with dependent children, the income thresholds increase by $1,500 for each child after the first child.


Do I have to claim the rebate as a reduced premium?

No, if you’re eligible for the rebate you can claim it when you lodge your annual tax return instead.


I’m turning 65 or 70 – will my rebate change?

You may be eligible for a higher rebate when you turn 65 or 70. If so, we automatically update your rebate percentage in our system – you don’t need to do anything.



Extras cover

Any changes to Nurses & Midwives Health Extras cover in 2022?

Yes – we’ve increased benefits on Top Extras, Essential Extras and StarterPak!


Top Extras

Here’s what’s changing (for the better!) on Top Extras from 1 April 2022:


First visit benefit increases from $72 to $100.



Annual limit

First visit*

Increasing to $100

$600 per person

Subsequent visits




First visit benefit increases from $40 to $45.



Annual limit

First visit**

Increasing to $45

$400 per person

($60 sub-limit for orthotic repair)

Visits 2-4


Visits 5+




In response to member feedback, we’re changing the rules around orthotics claims. Currently, this is limited to custom-made orthotics. From 1 April 2022, moulded or heat-moulded pre-made orthotics will be claimable too.

Orthotics still need to be prescribed by a podiatrist or medical practitioner and supplied by an approved provider in a private practice.

In other words, we won’t pay for off-the-shelf orthotics or products purchased in a retail store.



Last year, we enabled members to claim for phone and video consultations for a range of services as part of our COVID-19 pandemic response

On 1 January 2022, these services became permanently claimable via telehealth:

  • Speech therapy
  • Dietetics
  • Lactation consultations
  • Accredited Mental Health Social Workers

Don’t forget that Top Extras also covers you for telepsychology (and has since 2015).


Essential Extras

We recognise that mental health is just as important as physical health. That’s why we’re increasing your annual limit for Psychology from 1 April 2022. This includes telehealth consultations with Psychologists and Accredited Mental Health Social Workers.


Current limit

Limit from 1 April


$250 per person

$300 per person


StarterPak (Basic Plus)

It’s always been important to support our members’ mental health, and especially now after the stress of the last 18 months. We’re showing our commitment by adding a new benefit – Psychology – to StarterPak from 1 April 2022.



Limit from 1 April

Psychology consultation


$300 per person, $600 per family

Psychology assessment



Claiming for Psychology

You can use your Psychology benefit to claim towards consultations with psychologists in private practice or Accredited Mental Health Social Workers. Sessions can be face-to-face or via phone or video.

If you’re already attending Medicare-supported sessions, we suggest you reach your Medicare limit first, then continue your treatment while claiming with us. We won’t pay for sessions that are already subsidised by Medicare.

Know your limits

How can I check what I’m covered for?

You’ll find an overview of your benefits, limits, and per-person or sub-limits, on your Private Health Information Statement (PHIS).

You can access your PHIS anytime via your Online Member Services mailbox. These are also enclosed with posted premium notifications.

Please read your PHIS carefully, as it’ll help you understand what you are, and aren’t, covered for. If you’d like to talk through your cover options, we’re here to help. Our contact details are below.

Contacting us

How can I get in touch with Nurses & Midwives Health?

  • Premium notifications – please note that you don’t need to confirm receipt of your Nurses & Midwives Health premium letter. We don’t want our valued members (including you!) to waste time on unnecessary admin.

  • Your membership – if you have a question about your membership, cover or premium, we’re here to help on 1300 344 000, Monday to Thursday 8am to 7pm, Friday 8am to 6pm and Saturday 8.30am to 12.30pm AEST.

    As this is an especially busy time, call wait times may be longer than usual. If so, please know we’re doing our best. And thanks in advance for your patience!

  • Non-urgent enquiries – if your issue isn’t time-sensitive, here are some other ways to contact us.